Semalt Recommends How To Get Links Fast: The Best Strategy For Backlinking

  • Introduction
  • Reclaim Unlinked Brand Mentions
  • Revive Dated Content
  • Use Images And Infographics
  • Try To Capture Broken Links
  • Get Mentioned In Lists
  • Aim To Get Contextual Links
  • Summary
  • About Semalt


Backlinks (also known as inbound links) can be vital tools to attracting new audiences to your website and proving yourself as an authority within your industry. When other resources are recommending your site and using your information, it shows their audience that your website and brand can be trusted.

Backlinks are also a huge factor when it comes to improving SEO. These links can come in many forms: you might find them in text, buttons, or pictures. But how can you even earn backlinks? You can't force other websites to include your links, right? Even still, there are a few steps you can take to give your brand the best chance of standing out.

Reclaim Unlinked Brand Mentions

One of the easiest and most effective ways to get backlinks is by reclaiming unlinked brand mentions. Find out what blogs or news sources are mentioning your brand by using tools like Google Alerts. You can also use platforms like BuzzSumo to see the domain authority of these sites and other important metrics.

Most of the time, these mentions of your brand don't come with a link to your site. Send the company an email asking for an attribution. Not only will you gain that extra traffic and boost to your SEO, but the company linking to you will provide their readers with an enhanced experience. 

Revive Dated Content

Look at older content on your site and see how many backlinks there are to those pieces. If the piece in question is being referenced often, it might be worth it to revisit and refresh that content. Adding more relevant data and bringing an old piece back to life can bring a whole new audience to the piece and, in turn, to your website.

Once you've created your new and improved piece, reach out to those who've linked to your content and let them know you have a better version. You'll be giving yourself the SEO boost, helping other brands satisfy their audiences, and fostering great relationships with other authorities in your industry.

Use Images And Infographics

Backlinks don't have to just come from text pieces. Visuals can make great backlinks, too! In particular, infographics are wonderful ways to get a lot of information across in a concise and user-friendly way, and they're incredibly easy for others to link to.

If you don't find that infographics work well for your brand or your industry, you can also create templates, photo galleries, diagrams, charts, or graphs. Any of these forms of visual content can give audiences a quick way to get a lot of valuable information, and the visual appeal is just an added bonus.

Try To Capture Broken Links

Capturing broken links can be a time-consuming method, but the benefits can't be ignored. Essentially, if you see that a website has an outbound link that's broken, you can reach out and suggest that they fix the link with a piece on your website. Of course, this strategy only works if your content is actually relevant to the link in question.

Finding the broken links in the first place can be the ultimate challenge. You could either search through individual websites to find broken links. Alternatively, you could find a dead (404) page that used to get a bunch of links and create a replacement piece, then reach out to those who had linked to the original content. Just keep your outreach focused on helping those websites and their readers, not just trying to gain a backlink.

Get Mentioned In Lists

Finding your way onto "Best X" lists is a surefire way to get backlinks. Comparison articles with lists like this are some of the most common resources that consumers will turn to before investing in a product or service. Research relevant keywords to see what kinds of lists are being referenced in your industry.

This strategy works well because a "Best X" post doesn't have to be the top search result to see conversions and engagement. If you can make your way onto multiple lists and appear in more than one search result on the first page, you've got a better shot of showing your potential audience how valuable your brand can be.

Aim To Get Contextual Links

Often, when a website posts a blog post or informational article, you'll find a "Read More" snippet toward the bottom. These links, called contextual links, can help you tremendously when it comes to improving SEO. Even if your link appears somewhere else on the same page, a search engine will more highly value the contextual link.

The key here is to find content that's relevant to the pieces you're producing and already has a "Read More" section. When you reach out, talk about how your piece will benefit both your audience and theirs. As with all of these tips, you want to emphasize how linking to your content will be a win-win situation for everyone involved.


Getting high quality backlinks might seem like a complicated endeavor, but the effort is well worth it. These tips are just a few of the ways to gain backlinks, but they all lead back to one factor: professional, authoritative, and thorough content that truly benefits your audience. By employing these backlink strategies, you can slowly but surely improve your SEO and prove your brand as an authority in your industry.

About Semalt

Founded in 2013, Semalt is a full-stack digital agency helping businesses worldwide with their SEO strategies. The brand has helped countless clients worldwide with services such as AutoSEOFullSEO, web analytics, video production, and web development.

Customers love working with Semalt's experienced team of customer service managers, web developers, SEO specialists, and other professionals. We pride ourselves on personalized service that's dependable, timely, and helpful for businesses at any stage. Contact Semalt today to schedule your complimentary SEO consultation.